Being the mom of a seven year old boy I've come to the realization that there are certain words of the male species that become a part of their daily vocabulary. So, when my son comes home from school with a new 'vocabulary word' I've learned not to act like someone just set my hair on fire. A special thanks goes to one of the kids in our neighborhood for introducing 'nuts' in to his vocabulary. And of course, we're not talking Planters. (Aloha, this kid has since moved to Hawaii) The newest one as of about two weeks ago is 'balls', again we're not talking sports here. So I can add that to the list of fart(I hate that word), toot(just as bad),poop, dweeb, geek, etc. I know I'm leaving some out. I can handle these words occasionally and he knows he's not to give a shout out to a teacher or a parent with any of these words.
K, on to taters! The kids were off from school yesterday because we got about six inches of snow the night before. My son wanted to go out and play so I got him all bundled up but I couldn't find his gloves. After we had done the search downstairs, I told him to go up and ask his Dad if he knew where his gloves were. So off he goes and comes back down a few seconds later giggling his head off. "Dads getting ready to get in the shower." he said. "And?" I asked. Now I have to tell you I had an idea what was coming at this point. "I saw his balls in the mirror!" (I'm telling you I can write that now and only cringe a little bit.) And he did have the decency to kind of whisper it. So, I could have let it go I supposed, but I bit...."What did they look like?" I whispered back. And without hesitation he said....

"Like a tater with hair!"
He's just being a head-head! hehe :)
Ahhh, kids, aren't they cute?
What kind of potato?
Thanks for the giggle! :)
Never a dull moment :]
I've got two teen boys...just wait:)
This story is too funny. I will remember this forever.
Your story cracked me up and thanks for the visual!!! That was classic!
I have five kids and four of them are boys! 16,15,3 and 1. My poor daughter is 13 right smack in the middle of all of those boys.Consider yourself blessed that so far you are only doing the P-G version of all of those words.
what a funny story, considering how it could have gone. My daughter is all grown up but I have my grandkids to get that kind of humor from.
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