I've made a little progress on Mr. Man In The Moon. He fits nicely on Jingles back with his legs tucked around her wings. His arms and legs are button jointed so he can be posed. He's carrying a small garland of stars. Make sure you make a wish if he drops one while soaring through the sky!
Awwwww....he is just WAY TOO CUTE!!! Loooooooove this crow and lil' guy....we must set up a swap for dolls with each other some day soon....I adore your art!
Peace, Dar
He looks great! Awesome job.
good art, good music!
Very cute :)
your art situation isn't too different from mine. i have the table, a cabinet that comes up two inches below my hip and two plastic tubes i have to keep in the closet. but to be honest i've had the tubs out all weekend :D
Love him.
Thank you so much! I love moon faces!
I've got 3 awards for you, come to my blog to pick up :)
I will definitely be making a wish on one of those stars! By the way...I have an award waiting for you so stop by my blog to claim it!
I'm looking around your blog to see what else you've made! Very cute dolls! Love them!
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